- Bowls is a friendly game and all players should show courtesy and good sportsmanship.
- Be punctual to commence play at the agreed time.
- Respect the green surface at all times. Do not drop bowls on the green, stand on the edge of the green, stand on the bank or walk in the ditches.
- Remember you are part of a team so try to concentrate on the game.
- Please be ready to bowl. Have your wood in your hand whilst the previous person is on the mat. It is frustrating for the Skips to have to shout down to someone that it is their turn. It also slows the game down.
- Watch what is going on – this helps you familiarise yourself with the way the green is turning but also you need to know where your team’s bowls are in the head before you bowl.
- Never deliver your bowl before the previous bowl has come to rest.
- Every player at the mat end should assist in collecting bowls when the end is completed.
- Don’t move whilst a bowler is on the mat/ready to bowl and try to stand behind them. It is frustrating if you see someone in your eye line as you are about to bowl.
- The non-bowlers should not stray into the next rink or stand in the way of rink markers. This could distract people bowling from the other end.
- The mat needs to be placed on the centre line of the rink with its front end no less than 2 metres from the rear ditch.
- The jack length must be at least 23 metres from the front edge of the mat.
- The mat belongs to the bowler until their bowl has stopped. Possession of the mat then belongs to their opponent.
- Wait until last bowl has stopped in the head before walking to the other end.
- Whilst walking up the green try to stay in the middle of your rink. It is distracting for people on the next rink if you are too close to the border between the two rinks.
- If you are not playing but walking around the green do not walk across the back of rink whilst someone is bowling.
- It is a team game and everyone should feel they can make suggestions about play but it is very frustrating for a Skip if more than one person in her team is giving instructions on what shot should be played. When the Skip leaves the head they usually know what shot they will play but will often ask advice from their team. It is only if the head really changes that further advice should be given.
- Don’t take too long discussing tactics in the middle of the rink with your Skip, particularly if the opposition Skip is ready to bowl.
- Although the Skip has the best view of the head, if you see things differently from your end or don’t think your bowls will do what the skip is asking don’t be afraid to say you want to try another shot.
- Please congratulate people on good shots – this could apply to players from either side.
- It is not good to cheer if you get the shot because of an opponent error.
- Never complain about lucky bowls – they tend to equal each other out over the season.
- When measuring for shot – there is no rule about who should measure but usually the team asking for shot(s) should let their opponent measure. It does not help to have too many people interfering at this time, although if you really feel that your player has not taken into account a bowl quietly point this out. Bowls should not be removed until the score has been agreed.
- Winning shots taken out of the head should be placed together, possibly on a cloth, so that there is no confusion as to how many shots have been won.
- When the last bowl of an end has been played it is good manners for the person who did not bowl the last bowl to pick up the mat.
- Win or lose, always shake hands with your opponents and thank them for the game. Don’t be too taken with your win today, the position could be reversed tomorrow.
- When playing Singles, whether you have won or lost, be sure to thank the Marker and offer him or her a drink.
- Above all enjoy the game for its pleasure and the lasting friendship it provides.